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MWH 104 : Creating and Selling Your First Ebook With Efficiency (Part 2)

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by Tracy Harris in Blog, Podcasts
October 9, 2017 0 comments
ebook selling

Creating and Selling Your First Ebook With Efficiency (Part 2)

Are you ready to get sales without feeling salesy? If you haven't listened to Part 1 of this special two-part episode, I encourage you to go back and check out: Creating and Selling Your First Ebook With Efficiency (Part 1).

We chatted all about how to come up with the right content, how to draft and validate that process, ways to create your ebook in its digital or physical sense, and I covered several ways to launch your first ebook!


This week's podcast is brought to you by the Mums With Hustle Store! In this episode, I'm going to teach you how to get those sales without feeling salesy.

If you feel like you're always selling, I want you to know that there is a better way out there! Instagram, Facebook, blogging, podcasts, PR, speaking gigs, etc. are all great surface level avenues for you to find your tribe and connect with your audience… But all of those amazing channels don't invite your customers to go on this journey with you, to grow with you, and to form an ongoing relationship with you.

That's where email marketing comes into play.

Note – The strategies I'll teach you in today's podcast are applicable to your own online course, selling an evergreen webinar, or even your physical products. You don't have to apply these strategies to just ebooks.

These strategies are amazing if you're ready to take your biz to the next level or even if you're just starting out. #EmailMarketingIsForEveryone


  • Why growing your email list is crucial
  • How to keep growing your email list steadily with your ideal customer
  • What you need to know to add customers to your list
  • What you can create as a high-value freebie
  • How to remove a piece of your ebook to turn into your high-value freebie
  • Why you need an amazing email sequence set up after someone signs up for your freebie
  • How to weave in your freebie pitch to your marketing efforts


  • The importance of growing and engaging with your email list
  • Building your tribe and learning what they need
  • Getting crystal clear on who your audience is
  • Utilising the super-simple exercise from Part 1 to create a high-value freebie
  • A real-life MWH freebie example
  • My automated email marketing process
  • Ways to provide your list with more value once they sign up for the freebie

Find your tribe, love them hard with lots of value, serve them with your best, and then encourage a monetary exchange. – Tracy Harris



As you know, my main platform for connecting with my tribe is Instagram! Can you tell I am madly passionate about teaching bizmums strategies that will electrify their Instagram efforts? Let me give it to you straight – Instagram Stories is generating a TON of engagement right now. Learn how to do them right with my FREE Instagram Stories Planner.

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