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by Tracy Harris in Blog, Podcasts
June 13, 2016 0 comments
publish a book
publish a book

Publish a book - Turn your dreams into a reality!


So, you've got a million and one ideas for your book and not sure where to start? Never fear, we're chatting to Sarah Barbour in this week's podcast where she takes us through the journey of making your dream a reality and GETTING IT PUBLISHED! By the end of this, you'll be able to publish a book like a boss. Trust me!

I know, it seems overwhelming to begin with but Sarah breaks it down into bite sized pieces for us and I promise by the end you'll be ready to smash it out of the park!


Publish a book

Sarah Barbour from Aeroplane Media is an expert in the field having written 5 WHOLE books herself. She's an accomplished book coach and editor who specialises in helping entrepreneurs take a basic idea, workshop it and GET IT PUBLISHED! Being a hustling mama herself, she get's what it's like to get a big project done with little people underfoot. BUT it is possible and Sarah's going to tell us all about it! SWEET!

I can promise you you're going to come away with actionable items and lots of ideas on how you're going to execute your super dooper ideas.


I asked Sarah to outline the fundamentals to consider before starting and she's come up with these pearls of wisdom on how to publish a book:

  1. Have a book plan - know why you're writing a book and who you are writing it for.
  2. Have a writing plan - try to commit to a certain amount of words per day and SCHEDULE time to write them.
  3. Have a publishing plan - you don't have to work it out in minute detail, but you should have a general idea of what you're going to do with it once it's done.
  4. Be really clear about who your audience is and how you will make money.
  5. Don't get hung up on not having an original idea and not being 'expert' enough to write a book. Just go for it!

In a nutshell, one of the biggest learnings I took away from my chat with Sarah is that ANYONE can write a book. You don't need to be a scholar, a published author or even a knowledge expert. All you need is a PLAN, heart and determination to turn your dream into a reality. Go for it Mumma's!

You CAN Publish a Book!
publish a book

Here's a lowdown of what Sarah and I chatted about:

  • Sarah's journey from a handcrafter to a Book Coach for Entrepreneurs
  • The similarities and differences between a physical book and an e-book
  • What inspires people to write a book
  • How to publish a book
  • The process of writing a book from beginning to end
  • The challenges of writing a book
  • How to use a book to generate income
  • How to market your book
  • Deciding on a price point


Publish a book

Sarah is offering all MWH members free access to her guide “Is a Book Right for Your Business?” It covers both practical considerations and mental attitudes that can put you in a stronger position to write a book.



Sarah has also shared her tools of the trade with us (thanks Sarah!):

Create Space – a GREAT self publishing contact in the USA

Ingram Spark – An Aussie self publishing company

Gumroad – a FAB resource to sell your work and grow your audience

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