MWH 244 : The Highs, The Lows And The Reality Of Growing A Brand From Scratch with Alisa and Lysandra Fraser
If you’re Australian and you love “The Block”, Australia’s favourite renovation TV show, then you are in for a treat, girlfriend!
I’m sitting down with Alisa and Lysandra Fraser! They won “The Block” back in 2013 and following on that success, they founded their own interiors company in 2014. They create bespoke residential and commercial projects and they collaborate with high profile brands.
In 2018, the twins produced their own series, “The Design Duo” which is based on their multi-million renovations in Albert Park. Since then, they have also embarked on their most exciting and creative venture to date — the launch of their personal care range, Al.ive Body.
Alisa and Lysandra will be sharing the highs, the lows, and the reality of growing their business as mums. They will also be talking about how it is like to be in business with each other and how they use Instagram to build their brand.
(I’ve also talked about Creating Instagram Content as a Personal Brand or a Product-Based Business here and how you can Market Your Brand or Product with Instagram’s New and Free Feature “Reels” here).
I’m also picking their brains on the things they are most proud of when it comes to building their beautiful business and some of their great challenges and how they work through those.
Let me know what you’re biggest take-away on this honest, real and refreshing episode, ladies! Leave a comment on any of my posts or send me a DM on Instagram.
Web: www.alisaandlysandra.com.au
Facebook: @AlisaLysandra
Instagram: @alisa_lysandra
Twitter: @alisa_lysandra
Al.ive Body: @al.ive_body and www.alivebody.com.au
Web: www.mumswithhustle.com
Facebook: @mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
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