My Top Tips For Networking At Events
Networking at events is extremely important, even in this digital age. It helps you build real and genuine connections with entrepreneurs from various niches. This in turn could lead to powerful collaborations and breakthroughs for your biz!
I know attending networking events can feel incredibly intimidating, so I wanted to bring you a podcast episode that highlights my top four tips for networking at events.
Ready for a truth bomb? I still get nervous when I attend networking events, but I know that I can't let my fear or ego dictate my actions. One of my goals is to have every single one of the beautiful souls in my tribe feeling brave and ready to collaborate with confidence.
That's why I'm so excited to share this episode with you!
In this episode, I'm going to help you manage your emotions and all the feels that come along with attending networking events. I will also be sharing with you a cool new Instagram feature to help you connect with people whether you're at events or just out and about.
1. Labels
I've definitely changed my habits around thinking when it comes to personality types.
Key Points I Discussed:
Do you subscribe to beliefs that certain labels allow you to do and not to do certain things?
Are you letting your introvert or extrovert label control how you act at networking events?
2. Becoming More Comfortable At Networking Events
Networking events could seriously help you grow your brand and help you establish valuable relationships! In this section, how you can become more familiar with the event you're attending to ease your fears prior to the event.
Key Points I Discussed:
How to become more familiar with where you are going for the event?
- Research the venue and the location.
Why should you get to the event earlier than everyone else?
- You can meet key people.
- This allows you to be the one greeting people as they come in!
- Arriving early eliminates the fear of walking into a room full of people.
3. My Top Tips
Grab your pen and paper because in this section, I'm sharing my top four tips to help you become more comfortable at networking events.
Key Points I Discussed:
What are my four top tips?
- Alter the way you think! Tell your ego to calm down. Step into a place of love and service. Remember that you are there to make everyone else feel comfortable.
- Try going alone to the event.
- Utilise the new Instagram Nametag feature.
- Make sure you follow up!
Why you should actively listen to those you connect with at events?
You are so extremely limitless, beautiful! I want to leave you with one last piece of advice:
Follow the good butterflies and your curiosity!
Doing this will open yourself up to new experiences because we all need to keep learning and keep growing.
Are you feeling more comfortable with the idea of attending a networking event! I want to know! Tag me @mumswithhustle in your IG Stories with what tip you loved the most during this episode, so I can repost it in my Stories.
If you haven't already, you should consider joining my Social Method Society waitlist! I'd love to have you in the community.
Web: www.mumswithhustle.com
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
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