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MWH 119 : Sophie Cachia on Blogging, Branding and Business

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by Tracy Harris in Blog, Podcasts
February 12, 2018 0 comments
Sophie Cachia

Sophie Cachia on Blogging, Branding and Business

I seriously love getting honest and real when it comes to topics that not a lot of people are spilling the details on… like, influencer marketing!

Influencer and micro-influencer marketing are both quickly becoming a hot commodity on Instagram. Accounts with 1000+ followers are being asked to promote brands and products with the hopes that they'd provide a high ROI. Leading these influencers to make a serious amount of money simply by posting on their own Instagram.

For today's episode, I've asked a very high-profile influencer to stop by and answer a lot of your questions when it comes to influencer marketing, how to grow and scale yourself as a personal brand and influencer, and share details on what it's like working with an influencer (even how to get your product into their hands!).


I am seriously so excited to introduce today's guest to discuss her businesses and life as an influencer… you may know her by her public profile The Young Mummy, but today, she's Sophie Cachia – a gutsy, get-up-and-go, no b.s. bizmum who hustles day in and day out like the rest of us.

I have been following Sophie for a long time and have witnessed her grow and rise remarkably. She's a top tier influencer who has seen her social media platforms grow by hundreds of thousands because of her honest, real, brutal, laugh-out-loud, and relatable voice to all mums and young women out there.

On occasion, Sophie steps away from her mummy duties and keyboard to regularly undertake roles such as guest speaking, ambassadorships, and even MC’ing. However, today Sophie's going to be discussing her rise as an influencer and her shift into successful businesswoman with the launch of her brands CACHIA and Fairy Magic.

As I said I'm so pumped for this one, so let's give a huge welcome to Soph!

Let's get into it!


I hope you're ready to chat all things blogging, influencer marketing, and biz. This episode is all about inspiring you to grow your brand, embrace new directions, and evolve your business model.

1. Introducing Sophie

Sophie is remarkable. When I see her posts, I see her as a mentor to young women and mums. I am so happy to see her leading with such conviction and positivity!

Key Points We Discussed:

Who is Sophie Cachia?
What is Sophie's journey?

How was The Young Mummy born?

2. Managing The Juggle

Sophie juggles two businesses, a personal brand, two kids, being a wife, etc. I'm in awe… so I had to ask – How does she do it?!

Key Points We Discussed:

How does Sophie manage the juggle?

  • Sophie is all about embracing new opportunities in every aspect of her life.

What types of roadblocks does Sophie encounter?
Why did Sophie found Cachia?

How did Sophie become involved in Fairy Magic?

3. Building A Thriving Social Media

Everyone dreams of having a large, thriving, and engaged social media following. Sophie's social media following is out of control! She worked her butt off to grow her community. It's incredible… So, let's learn the secrets behind her success!

Key Points We Discussed:

How did Sophie manage to build such a large and engaged following?

  • It is built through being genuine, authentic, real, and original.
  • Sophie creates all of her own genuine content.
  • “With The Young Mummy, I was talking about something that I haven't seen any one else talking about,” Sophie said.

Why you shouldn't be copying other people?

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is a hot commodity because these users have built real, raw, and authentic relationships with their tribe. There is a strong bond and trust between influencers and their audience (which makes it easier for influencers to create awareness or sell your products to their tribe). Sophie has over 234K tribe members who love seeing the products she's promoting with authenticity.

Key Points We Discussed:

What does it take to be an Instagram influencer?

  • You have to be genuine.
  • You must say no to things that would make your post inauthentic.
  • Don't lie to or b.s. your audience.
  • Be smart, careful and selective of what you do and who you align yourself with.

What are some of the not-so-glam and gory details of influencer marketing?

What are some tips for brands wanting to work with Influencers?

  • Know what you want, but don't be pushy.
  • Don't tell influencers what to write in their captions.
  • Research your influencer's stats to see what their engagement numbers are really like (ask for sales reports, media kit, etc.).
  • Invest in one influencer.

Why you should give influencers creative freedom?

When someone wants to pitch an influencer, how do they find out the cost of the post? Do they need to request a rate card?

  • Sophie does not have rate cards because small businesses and large businesses do not have the same budget.
  • It's more human to adjust your rates for the business' budget.
  • Simply write the pitch and include an offer.

5. Online Bullying

Sophie experienced some really horrid online bullying by individuals who verbally attacked her kids, her husband, and herself, AND they posted her address online. It's unbelievable that so much hate was thrust towards her as she grew her brand. Luckily, Sophie took protective measures to stop the trolls.

Key Points We Discussed:

How do you manage online trolling?

  • The more success you have, the more you hate you get.
  • Nothing is more important than my children.
  • Sophie set some boundaries by turning her comments off on her posts to avoid further attacks.

How does Sophie's vibe attract her tribe?

Why you shouldn't need online validation to feel fulfilled?


That was such a beautiful and honest conversation with Sophie Cachia. Special thanks to Sophie for taking the time to come onto our podcast! I'm truly obsessed with Sophie's drive, mindset, and confidence.

For every single person out there, when you're on social media, you're dealing with a human behind the screen. Be kind. I'm so, so thankful for the tribe I have here at Mums With Hustle.

When you're building a community, you're always in the process of attracting the right people and repelling the wrong people. This is why I'm adamant about why you need to niche on your content and audience, to make sure you're attracting the right people.

Your Instagram account is not a death sentence – how you started, isn't how you have to be forever. You're allowed to pivot and change business models, so don't ever feel stuck.

Surround yourself with positive people who are rooting for your rise.

Please remember, when evolving your biz you must, “find your own motivation, your own beliefs, your own inspiration.”


Sophie has big plans for 2018. Rather than doing multiple sponsored posts a month, she is separating herself away from the sponsored posts and focussing on committing to larger projects. You’ll be hearing a lot more of Sophie that’s for sure… #YAY

Instagram: @sophiecachia_ | @cachia__ | @fairymagic___


Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club


Okay, mama! I'm going to give it to you straight, 'cause you know that's what I'm about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach. I want to reach more hustling mamas that can add extreme value to our kick-ass tribe.

I'll make this deal even sweeter with a monthly prize – if you use the hashtag #MWHTRIBE when leaving your review, you will be automatically entered to win my Ultimate Instagram Pack (3 guides all about Instagram at a $97 value!).

Ready to help a sister, out? I already love you forever, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes!

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