4 Lessons Learned From a Bizmum Breakdown
We cover a lot of topics on the MWH Podcast – from social media tips to productivity hacks to branding and design advice and kick-ass business strategies. However, there is an aspect of being a bizmum that we don't normally talk about… how it's hard as hell on our mental, physical, and emotional health.
There are always a lot of ups during your biz journey that are celebrated, but there are also some downs that are hidden away and never discussed. Today's episode is going smash the stigma surrounding breakdowns, shed some light on the struggles of being a bizmum and how it's not always perfectly curated photos, smiles, and wins.
Our conversation this week is going to be a bit a different… we're going to talk about the down and dirty of being a mum in 2017. Today, we're lifting the veil on a journey of self discovery. So grab a cuppa if you're able to because today's chat is going to get real deep.
Jade Warne is constantly inspired by all that is around her. As a photographer, videographer, writer, and mum of two, Jade started her biz Hipster Mum, to tell the stories of every day mums by showcasing the work they do in the world and at home.
Today, we're going to get personal and vulnerable with Jade as she discusses her massive breakdown and how she overcame this emotional hurdle to rise into the powerful bizmum she is today.
If you've ever struggled with parenting and running your biz, this episode is for you. Welcome to the virtual couch, Jade!
- A bit about Jade and her background
- How a muse made Jade take the leap to becoming bizmum
- The importance of multiple revenue streams as a bizmum
- Details of Jade's massive breakdown
- Why Jade was always hustling for a sense of self worth
- Self limiting beliefs you need to stop carrying around with you
- Why you need to rewrite your story starting now
- How to overcome emotional hurdles and rise from them
- Ways to use social media to grow and nurture relationships
- Jade's journey from start to where she is now
- Where Jade's revenue comes from as a mummy blogger and photographer
- The nitty gritty of Jade's nervous breakdown (where she was, what happened)
- From breakdown to breakthrough – what was Jade's wakeup call?
- The negative impact of never having a sense of self worth
- How to unpack self limiting beliefs (lose the mum guilt – self care isn't selfish)
- Ways to rise from your lowest point
- 4 specific core areas of healing to help overcome emotional hurdles (comparison, listen, action, support)
- Quick and easy tips to better social media (hint – use Pinterest!)
Jade is offering the MWH Community 50% off half and full day shoots with Hipster Mum! This promo is only available if you book your shoot before December 15, 2017. Not sure you can swing a photoshoot in December? We’re mums, we feel that chaotic holiday hustle!
It’s totally cool to schedule the shoot in for early 2018, as long as you book in by December 15.
Booking your photoshoot with Jade is easy! All you have to do is send her an email ([email protected] or click the button below), and let her know you’re a mum with hustle!
Jade is going to delve deeper into being a better parent, better partner and better version of herself. She is taking a parenting training course called Circle of Security, and she's excited about learning more. Jade is also really excited about ongoing therapy with her psychologist.
“I LOVE my work for mums and business women, creating great content, and will always continue working on improving my skills and shining a spotlight on the brilliant, super talented women around me.” – Jade Warne
Web: HipsterMum
Facebook: @hipstermum
Instagram: @hipster_mum
Twitter: @hipster_mum
Pinterest: @hipstermum1
Web: https://tracyharris.wpengine.com/
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
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