This week's podcast is all about you. I have answered 5 questions that I received directly from the lovely MWH subscribers, perhaps I even answered a question from you! This is a special one and in it, I delve into the workings of Mums With Hustle and how I go about running my biz, including my mindset for when things get tough.
Here are the questions I answer in this episode:
My question for you is around CONSISTENCY which I know is super-important and is one thing that I think you guys have done so well right from the start. With such a busy life, how do you ensure that you deliver that consistency without fail? – Michelle Morpeth from Outdoorsy NZ
How do you switch off? Like yourself, I am putting a lot of myself into my business, but I find myself waking up thinking about work and going to sleep thinking about work. When you work from home you are always at work! I'd love to hear your suggestions for this – Megan O'Brian
One question I am yet to have answered which hopefully you can answer for me, is … In what area should you invest money in order to grow your business? I really believe in my products and although there is many business out there doing the same thing, I feel I have something a little different although being in the same category. I am really keen to grow the wholesale side of my business and I've been lucky enough to have been approached by a few boutiques to stock my goods so I haven't had to hustle to hard yet…Now, I'm on a hustling mission to grow grow grow but not sure where I should be spending what little funds I have – Marianne from Luxe Bath Bags
How do we connect (really connect) with people via social media if we are not naturally an online extrovert or find it difficult to write in a public forum? I know personally, I make fantastic, real connections with people in the flesh, but I find my comments on social media come across as forced and boring – Tamra Wilson from Wahboo
I'm yet to start my business officially, but one of the things stopping me is the mental battle about being present and mindful in my life vs trying to fit a business into motherhood. One of my favourite quotes is ‘stop the glorification of busy'. Hence the word ‘hustle' doesn't sit really well with me either but I still love your group! How do you face the issue of achieving your dreams and being you via your business endeavours (whilst also being a mum, wife, daughter, friend, etc etc etc!) vs being so busy life just flies by in a constant state of hustle?! I'm so scared I might wake up 10 years down the track and think ‘why did I try to fit so much in'? Georgie
Also, if you've ever wondered why I called our biz Mums With Hustle or what hustle actually means, I answer that too!
Thanks for being the best tribe EVER!
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