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MWH 035 : Building a successful business through passion and productivity with Anna Skaroupka (Print and Party)

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by Tracy Harris in Blog, Podcasts
May 30, 2016 2 comments
Passion and Productivity


Here’s two facts I want to put out there.
  1. There’s no such thing as an overnight success.
  2. If you treat your biz like a hobby, it will always be a hobby.
There are a few reasons why us mums look at our businesses as a hobby:
  • It’s a safety net - we’re protecting ourselves
  • We don’t know how to make it a formal biz
  • We still have a “regular” job
I want you to know that incredible things will start to happen when you shift gears and really commit.

Taking daily action (no matter how small) will create momentum. Developing your confidence and mindset will effect how you think, speak and communicate about your biz to others and yourself.

I started this podcast because I believe in teaching back and helping out my fellow sisters.

Starting a biz is hard, and doing it from home, with kids, is even harder.

I thought to myself, if only someone would just keep it real and share the process as they went along, rather than just those other podcasts or blogs where millionaires share their tips and strategies on how to rock it like a mega entrepreneur!

That’s great and all, and I listen to those podcasts from time to time, but what is more helpful, is hearing from others who walk the same path as you, those who aren’t too far ahead to remember what steps they took and why, those who get your vibe and who share the same struggles and the same dream.

Starting a biz is hard, and doing it from home, with kids, is even harder.

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So Mums With Hustle was born.

I thought, screw it. I have the passion and the skills to be that person. I’ll start this business and I’ll be honest about sharing what works. I’ll build a community and I’ll find guests from different industries and niches who can come on and share their particular angle on things.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Learning is best done in community. That is a proven fact! Learning from your peers is more motivating and less intimidating. It’s also WAY more relevant.

​This week’s guest is straight from our tribe of Mums With Hustle!

​She’s an action-taking biz mum, who keeps it real and that’ why she’s on the podcast today as a MWH success story. It’s been incredible watching her biz grow and change, watching her collaborate and gain in confidence. Her product is kick-ass!

Print and Party

Anna Skaroupka is the designer and owner of Print and Party. A graphic design biz, specialising in event and business stationery.

Prior to her biz, Anna was a devoted primary teacher but she’s been able to take her fave bits of the job and use them to create her own brand and business. Graphic design and pretty things is her jam!

Check out all the gems that we chat about during this episode:

    • Anna’s start-up journey
    • Coming up with your business concept
    • From concept to launch
    • Overcoming fear as a start-up biz mum
    • How to turn a light bulb moment into success
    • Biggest learning to date that other start-up mums need to know
    • Challenges of being a mum boss
    • Time management tips for hustling solopreneurs
    • Automation and productivity for the WAHM
    • How to get the most out of your email newsletters
    • How to price your product and value your time

    It's Promo Time

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Her stationery for your biz or next celebration is beyond! Trust me, I’ve used her service before. Loved it!

Here is a pic from my little guys 2nd Birthday!​

Print and Party

​You’ll also catch Anna talking about her email newsletters that she sends to her subscribers.

​If email marketing is something that you’d like to learn more about, I’d love to offer you my free mini training - Build Your Tribe With Email. It includes an audio lesson followed by an e-course, and it’s specifically designed to help beginners, like you, with your email marketing woes. If you're wondering about email list building, why you need to be doing it and how to go about it, you don't want to miss this one! You can access my free mini training here.

Connect up with anna:

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