How NOT to SUCK at writing!
Have you ever sat down to write a caption for your social media posts and thought, “agr, bugger it!” I don’t have anything great to say so I won’t post, or maybe you do post something but you cringe every time because writing just ain’t your forte!
If you’ve ever delayed putting a plan into action because you are doubting your writing abilities, you are not alone. There are incredible business our that delay actioning possibly the BEST marketing strategies because they don’t know what they should be writing in their emails or how to go about it.
We can’t escape it, at one point or another, we will all be required to write creatively in some way for our biz, whether it’s your ‘About Us’ page, a social media post, an email or creating a webinar…it has to happen! We have to write so we need to up-skill ourselves.
Thankfully you don’t need to write like a pro every time, when your biz grows, if you find that writing isn’t your strength of yours or a passion, you can always outsource the task to a highly skilled VA or copywriter. Yes, the writing fairies exist. And I’ve got just the babe to help you pick up some invaluable writing tips….
This week’s guest is the INSANELY talented Marissa Batty from The Savvy Assistant. Marissa is actually my very own VA and she helps us with a lot of our copy. Marissa writes for a range of businesses on an array of topics and is also a regular guest blogger and she’s sharing ALL OF HER TIPS with us this week!
Marissa founded The Savvy Assistant in September 2015 after realising the ‘work for the man’ mum life just wasn’t going to cut it. A personal tragedy really pushed this mumma into action. Anyone who’s lost someone close to them will relate to both Marissa’s heartbreak and determination to create the life she’d always imagined. Previously, Marissa was a campaign coordinator for one of Australia’s leading charities and was responsible for marketing, advertising, event management and MORE. Her aim in life is to help small businesses soar. When she’s not busy being Savvy, she’s madly playing mum to her 2 ½ year old boy, Oliver. She lives with her boys Adam (hubby), Oliver & Henry (Dog) in sunny Brisbane.
- Tips for writing creatively
- How to structure a blog
- How to write authentically
- How to define your target audience
- How to craft a social media post
- How to write an effective email marketing campaign
- Marissa’s journey from working mum to BIZ MUM
- Marissa’s creative writing process
- Top tips for writing creatively and authentically
- Structure and why that’s important for ANY piece
- Write like you talk – if you don’t talk formally, don’t write formally. Use the same words that you use in everyday life. If you do use slang and abbreviations regularly in your lingo, weave them through your posts, blogs, within your email marketing – EVERYTHING. This will humanise your writing.
- Get personal – add personal experiences and feelings into your pieces. Go as deep as you feel comfortable going. Your audience will reward you.
- Imagine you are having a conversation with a friend – keep it personal and engaging.
- If you feel uncomfortable writing, record yourself speaking, transcribe it then edit it to fit. This is a much better option than coming across as stiff and uninviting.
- Don’t ever publish anything you don’t believe in.
Live up to your writing potential!
Want to nail writing skills and create great blog post? This free guide will help you through the process.
Write with confidence!

Follow these 10 simple steps to help you write great blog posts every time!
Web: www.thesavvyassistant.com.au
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavvyassistant
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thesavvyassistantmarissabatty
Email: [email protected]
I just LOVED chatting to Marissa she really embodies the MWH ethos and is SO passionate about small business. Her quality of work really speaks for itself (I can guarantee that!) and I’m so thrilled she took the time to give us all her hot writing tips. A massive thanks Marissa!
Web: https://tracyharris.wpengine.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Mumswithhustle/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mumswithhustle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mumswithhustle/
P.S. Have you registered for our Eat & Meet in Camden yet ladies? It’s going to be BONZA! Tickets available here
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