If you've ever thought of doing your blog full time, then this podcast is for you! Sara Keli is the owner, Editor and Chief of Kid Magazine, an online parenting magazine. She has a positive mindset that led her take this entrepreneurial leap based on passion and talent, not experience! Four years on, she's a Mum to two year old Olivia, runs her successful magazine, sells a physical product and she has her first eBook coming out this week! How exciting! If you love blogging and want to know more about how people are making money as bloggers, then get your pen and paper ready, or your keyboard! We cover this and so much more. You're going to love it!
– Ways to make money from your blog.
– How to get the most out of your Facebook business page.
– The difference between Instagram and Facebook for your biz.
– Outsourcing – knowing what to let go of and getting a team to help you.
– Forums and groups bloggers should belong to.
Ultimately, these are all ways to take your blog full time!
Find out more at www.mumswithhustle.com
$5 off new ebook – ‘The 28 Day Mummy Mojo Challenge'
Grab your copy of Sara's brand new ebook ‘The 28 Day Mummy Mojo Challenge' for only $9.95 (normally $14.95)
The 28 Day Mummy Mojo Challenge
Just enter ‘HUSTLE' at checkout to grab your $5 off. Valid until 31st of December 2015.
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Resources mentioned in the Podcast