Showing Up and Standing Out on Instagram
Many service based businesses think that Instagram isn't for them, which is total BS! As a business to business (B2B) on Instagram, you CAN show up and stand out on Instagram.
Take today’s guest as an example of someone who is truly making an impact on Instagram by serving her audience with unique collaborations, insightful Stories, and posts that inspire her audience to take action.
Rachel Reiter is a member of The Social Method Society and a branding designer. She has been in the Society for a while now and her fellow Society Sisters cannot stop raving about her work!
During this episode, Rachel is going to share specifically how she's navigating Instagram as a business to business entrepreneur, how she ensures her personality shines through her content, and how you can instill trust in your brand starting TODAY.
Key Takeaways:
>> [0:22] Welcome back to another episode of the Mums With Hustle Podcast. This podcast is sponsored by the Social Method Society, which is my online learning academy for female entrepreneurs growing heart centered, impact driven businesses using Instagram. You have your chance to get inside and participate in an upcoming Masterclass where I’ll be teaching you the Social Method. I’ll be teaching you how you can turn your followers into customers, even if you have a small audience. If you want to attend this free masterclass, then save your seat now! Register now.
>> [3:26] Today's guest is Rachel Reiter, a member of The Social Method Society and a branding designer. She has been in the Society for a while now, and my members cannot stop raving about her work!
>> [5:40] You're going to love getting to know Rachel! She’s obsessed with getting to the heart of your business, you, because that’s where true brands are born. With 16 years of experience in branding and marketing collateral, magazine design, advertising, website design and packaging, Rachel develops bespoke, personality-packed, and effective branding identities that are authentically, you!
>> [6:23] Rachel’s business was a side hustle before she considered it a business, but she LOVED what she was doing.
>> [7:34] When Rachel had her first child, she questioned whether she still wanted to run a business. She realised that she wanted her business to be meaningful for both her herself and the people she worked with. After some soul searching, she asked herself what was it about her previous work that she felt the best doing and that was branding for women in business who are going for it! This is why she helps heart centred entrepreneurs.
>> [11:52] Many service based businesses think that Instagram isn't for them, which is total BS! As a business to business (B2B) on Instagram, here's how Rachel is showing up and standing out on Instagram.
How is Rachel Showing Up on Instagram?
- Rachel posts at least 4 times a week with a mix of tips, her opinions/thoughts, work samples and fun illustrations/memes that are intended to inspire her audience.
- She shows up on her IG Stories consistently, particularly on her work days.
- A lot of Rachel’s bookings stem from the personal touch that Instagram platform allows us to share.
- IG allows Rachel to connect with her audience on a personal level, which builds trust. This is so important for service based businesses as the investment your customers are making is generally a lot more involved than product purchases (whether financially or emotionally!).
>> [14:57] It wasn’t very long ago that Rachel would not get onto video. But after she joined The Social Method Society, Rachel began to worked up the courage to jump on video more and more often!
>> [16:58] A realisation that Rachel shared in the Social Method Society private Facebook Group, is that not ALL of her content needs to relate to branding and design, even though that's her niche!
>> [17:37] Rachel was having trouble being productive. She did a poll and her audience were in the same boat. This triggered her to think of a method called time blocking that Rachel’s Social Method Society Sister Hollie Barac, from Mayday VA, had mentioned. She invited Hollie to takeover her Stories to give some tips on the topic and Rachel's audience LOVED IT! It was a real ‘aha’ moment for Rachel.
>> [20:40] Come up with a list of other business owners that you can collaborate with! We cannot stay in our own bubbles on Instagram, so I’m a massive fan of a Stories takeover. Learn how you can grow your business with powerful collaboration here.
>> [22:32] Rachel’s top tip for feeling confident on video is to start small. Once you get comfortable with IG Stories (short 15 second clips) then try an IGTV. From there you can work your way up to IG Live.
>> [26:20] If you’re not quite ready to overhaul or invest in your branding, there are still several ways that you can invoke trust into your branding.
Rachel’s Top Tips to Invoke the Feeling of Trust Into Your Branding (on Instagram and Beyond):
- The most important thing you need to do is to know who you’re serving. Get to know them intimately. Create a client avatar/ideal client/soulmate client profile (whatever you want to call it!).
- Make sure that your email address matches your domain name. Ditch the @gmail or @hotmail.
- Invest in some beautiful business cards. They don’t need to be super fancy design wise, but a little extra finish or sparkle doesn’t actually cost much more and it shows that you have enough faith in your own brand to invest in it, even though it is only a small investment for you.
>> [31:20] It always so incredible to sit down and have these conversations with some of the ladies who are in the Social Method Society. It is amazing to witness Rachel going from strength to strength.
>> [33:30] Come along and register for the FREE Social Method Masterclass and learn how you can turn your followers into customers, no matter the size of your following.
Register Here
Rachel has so many beautiful branding projects in the pipeline. She has recently opened the doors to her FREE Facebook group ‘Branding Lifeline for Biz-Ladies’. You can also keep up to date with branding hints, tips and tricks by signing up to Rachel’s newsletter via her website.
Website: https://hopscotchbranding.studio/
Instagram: @hopscotchbrandingstudio
Facebook: @hopscotchbrandingstudio
Web: www.mumswithhustle.com
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
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